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Why Service Providers have to make security a priority

As a Service Provider, you want to go to market with the best best combination (and combinations) of telephone, internet, gaming and television services you possibly can.

27 Aug 2024
Why Service Providers have to make security a priority

To some extent, you ‘don’t care’ what the actual content flowing to user households and mobile devices actually is; the market and consumer demand is what decides if ‘Bridgerton’ is what everyone is watching and talking about right now, or if it’s the latest ‘Squid Game’ or addictive fruit-slashing game.

But what you do care about—and in fact, really really have to—is that whatever content you have said you will offer a subscriber gets there with as little latency as you can. Provision of excellent connectivity at the transport layer is the job you need to ensure gets done right, pretty much every millisecond.

Doing that also necessitates certain SLAs and conditions you have agreed with your content partners. Thus, voice will have a slightly lower quality of service than video, or these kinds of messages have priority over others.

Getting all this right is what Service Providers like you come to Swiss Networking Solutions to help with, especially around 100% optimised connection to content partners; a growing aspect of our business here is secure private, QoS-assured interconnect to the mobile edge, by the way.

But if you must worry about the speed, scale and reliability of your connections with content suppliers and other partners, in today’s world you also have to be concerned about security, too. The content I as a user have paid to access and consume has to be something I must be sure cannot be monitored or spied on or siphoned off by bad actors.

So, while planning your network and securing the right connections can be complicated on the physical network layer, getting the security, safety and privacy of access to the content you want to provide just can’t be skimped on.

End-to-end protection and in-depth review and suggested remediation

You really have to get it right. To help, SNS has been building capacity to offer in-depth, end-to-end network security help to any Service Provider who wants to have that kind of peace of mind.

By only ever using the latest engineering principles and architecture, our security network services specialists will not only objectively review your requirements and design the best network to suit your business needs, goals and budget, they will also fully analyse your situation so as to provide best-practice guidance.

Working with us means you can and will protect your network and content and service partner users from threats and bad intent—from figuring out any gaps or vulnerabilities in your infrastructure and working with you to eliminate them, to show you how you can cost-effectively implement the right security programme for your organisation.

So—let’s get not just the connections right for this content, let’s make those connections as secure and protected as we can.

To do so, link with us now to see how Service Provider business can be as secure as it can.

SNS in numbers

Optimised, reliable and secure global connectivity


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Internet exchanges
To keep you connected


Tier 1 IP Transit operators
To give you global reach


Long haul international circuits
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